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19% of the total amount of your monthly bill goes to cooking. If on average you use cooking and baking equipment for about 1 hour and 30 minutes a day, the monthly consumption will be 137 kWh. Here are some tips to save in this aspect:

  • During cooking, adjust the appropriate temperature, put the lid on the pot to retain heat, and thus the cooking time will be shortened.
  • Use pots the bottom of which is the size of a stove hob, or containers the bottom of which is slightly larger than the stove hob.
  • Espresso cookers with steam cooking speed up cooking and are more economical.
  • When preparing food in the oven, you should know that each opening of the oven door lowers the temperature by about 15 ° C.
  • During the use of the oven, switch it off 5 - 10 minutes before the due time because this saves electricity.

These calculations are taken taking into account the average consumption of household customers during the year, heating which ranks first in the largest consumption of electricity, is not included.

cooking pots cooking stove

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